Mar 27, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berget

You are a gem and I really enjoy your writing. It touches me in such a weird season I’m in. I always feel like I know you after reading your work. Such a sweet reminder that we all need about how God sees us and cares for us, lovingly.

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UGHHH I LOVE EVERY SINGLE WORD OF THIS - beautifully written, painfully true, yet stunningly hopeful by the end. Thank you.

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berget

Thanks for the encouragement and laughter for this tired mama on a Friday night. Loved this piece !

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I’m late to the commenting, but this is beautiful, Elizabeth. I am much too familiar with editing each decision, with redlining a life, and I am so fearful my kids will be the same. It’s encouraging to be reminded that they are their own people.

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We have NO daylight savings time in South Africa. We live on the east coast and my toddlers wake with the sun at 430 am in the summer, and 630 am in the winter and IT IS GRAND.

love this image of God as a loving parent not a critic with a red pen! I think me & Elsa are inner kindred spirits (just DO IT!!) BUT becoming a parent has forced me into a responsibility mode which then makes me anxious/critical. Also, I'm not a perfectionist, I just want God to *like* me. Like, we bffs. What does that make me? 😳😊

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berget

Ohhhhh so good. “What would it be like to jump anyway.” I’m going to be thinking about this for a while. I see the red pen working overtime in my life. I just read a book: “Small Animals: Parenting in the Age of Fear” and it rocked my world a bit, showing me the ways I choose perceived safety or the appearance of “good parenting” over letting my children be free, try, fail, and keep going. In my mind it’s connected to what you’re saying. Love your reminder that God is delighting in us, not sitting back and expecting us to try harder/do better. 💛

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So. Good. I loved every word of this. I am v familiar with the red pen, and I love the thought of it snapping in two right along with the veil/curtain. Very eager to check out that book on anxiety, also!

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Oh daylight savings... I console myself with the thought that the children will indeed sleep again sometime in the fall. I love the image of your daughter jumping - may we all be so willing to leap!

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